Friday, November 4, 2011

As I clean up my desktop, I felt compelled to share these two pictures with the blogosphere.

First, the statue of the Winged Victory of Samothrace. It is a 2nd century BC statue of Nike, the goddess of Victory. I saw it in 2004 in Paris at the Louvre Museum. It is an enormous statue and I was spooked by it when I first saw it. Maybe because it was missing the head.. Maybe because its arms were gone. Anyway, here it is...

Next is the painting by Francisco Goya titled "Saturn Devouring his Son". I think this painting symbolizes for me, aside from the obvious spookiness, the times in which we live. Although, this Saturn was devouring his son from fear of losing power, we devour our young by making commodities out of everything, including our own children. I don't think I can express it eloquently enough without spending more time on it, but suffice to say that our rabid selfishness, individualism, and lack of regard for "the other" leads us such a state much like the one in which dear Saturn found himself in this picture...

Until soon....